August 18, 2015

Best Summer on Record: The Beginning

To all my friends and faithful followers, I am truly sorry I have not kept up with my posts most of the summer.  Everything has been so busy, but also quite amazing!  I shall now share with you the details of my adventures.  WARNING: the retelling of events may become: exciting, adorable, and/or long winded.  I am not liable for any damages. 

Before graduation I started catching up with a friend who had graduated the year before.  Then one Thursday afternoon we went out for coffee and we found that we had quite a lot in common.  Long story short, we have been dating all summer, and many of my favorite adventures have been made with him. 

To begin my adventures, this summer has been one filled with lots of hiking.  My best friend and I went on several great hikes together and took many pictures.  I, for one, collected many rocks as well.  Our first hike was to Coyote Ridge.  Though it was a hot hike, it was worth the view we got at the top and in the green valley beyond the ridge.  

Our next hike was first to Round Mountain and then a much more difficult hike to Sheep Mountain. On Round Mountain we saw a beautiful little lookout and we made a smiley cairn to leave our mark.  Though we didn't make it to the top of Sheep Mountain because we ran out of time, we made it a little further than halfway. Our excitement when we saw that 2 mile marker was through the roof.   Maybe next year we can push all the way to the top!  

It is at this point that I am realizing how long this post is becoming.  I'm going to have to split it up into short series of adventures.  This is only the beginning of this fabulous summer! :) 

1 comment:

  1. Hate to break it to you, but we didn't make that cairn. We found it.
